How to Unify a Company

Not everyone needs branding.

I make a living telling people that they need branding, so what the hell does that line mean?


When I first started out into the design and branding world I was convinced that everyone needed great branding, ideally designed by yours truly.

However, over the years I’ve come to realize that this isn’t necessarily true.

How can I tell the solopreneur that they need a fantastic visual brand in order to succeed when they can clearly show me their busy schedule of clients or customers?

The fact of the matter is people who start a business on their own and who want to work that business by themselves forever, well, might not benefit much from investing thousands into their branding.

Apart from the obvious visual improvements, anyway.

*Remember that I said the business owner who isn’t looking to grow, but who would rather keep it small and intimate.

The problem that business owners run into is stretching themselves too thin by getting busier than they can handle on their own.

So, eventually, they hire someone to help out, and hopefully, things continue to grow and expand with more employees. Problem solved, right? Sort of.

When you start a business, you are often times “it”. You are the brand. You are the face. You are the culture. You are everything.

What happens when you can no longer be everything and everywhere representing the company to each customer? That’s when you have to start trusting your employees to be an extension of you.

And what unites those employees and gives them what they need to communicate for you to the customers? Your brand.

It’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.

Your brand is the unifying element for both your internal company culture, values, etc. but also your external communication when you can’t personally do the communicating.

If you are running into issues uniting your employees, take a deep dive into your brand, your values, company culture, etc.

Weak brands affect more than just your bottom line.

They can affect your employee morale and their ability to communicate clearly on your behalf. They need something to rally around, to be proud of, and to be excited to help build.

Your brand and branding are much more than just a collection of graphics and colors.

Your brand is you.

Fleshed out, given defined characteristics to keep everything consistent, but it is you.

Does your brand represent you and your business as well as you can? If not, then we have some work to do.

Son of Erik Design specializes in much more than just designing logos.

We want to help you design a brand that your company can truly rally around and be excited about.

Schedule your free consultation today and let’s get started.


Color Palettes & Your Branding
