Oxford Dental Care logo & branding design.
New owner, new brand. Sometimes you need to plant your flag and really claim the business as yours.
Rebranding dental care.
Finding the perfect solution for a client torn between concepts.
Oxford Dental Care owned by Dr. Brent Cline and his wife came to Son of Erik Design and purchased the Brand Foundations branding package. Dr. Cline bought Oxford from another dentist and after a few months decided it was time to make it his own by rebranding.
On every branding package I do, I create a couple of mood boards based on the style preferences we have landed on through branding questionnaires and Pinterest boards. I send these to the client to make sure I’m on the right track before I start sketching logo concepts.
Below you’ll see the initial 3 concepts I designed for Dr. Cline. These concepts were based completely off of the research and information gathering I did before beginning to sketch. I always do my due diligence to try to ensure that at least one of the concepts will be the one to move forward with.
Things, however, don’t always turn out so perfect.
“With logo design, it is never love at first sight.” - Sagi Haviv
Dr. Cline and his wife really liked the initial designs, and chose option 2 to move forward with. They gave me their changes and some colors to play around with, and I presented them with these options.
I also try to provide some mockups whenever possible to help my clients see what vision I have for their overall branding, even if we won’t be tackling those things yet.
After a lot of deliberation, Dr. Cline let me know that they weren’t sure about that direction anymore. They told me that they liked the direction of the font choices, just not the symbol of the tooth. So, I went back to the drawing board to concoct a few more tooth options for them to choose from.
Sometimes situations like this happen, and it’s ok because I price my brand packages such that I can afford to spend more time with my client’s needs and desires. Designers who charge much less than I do don’t have that luxury.
Below are some of the options I presented to the Cline’s.
What was the verdict?
Which logo design did Oxford Dental Care in Idaho Falls choose?
After more thinking it over, the Cline’s finally came to the conclusion that this crowned tooth was their favorite and communicated the right things about their practice.
Oxford Dental Care purchased the Brand Foundations branding package, so their deliverables were a full logo package featuring just about every file format they’ll ever need, multiple logo variations and layouts, custom color palette with formulas, tagline, and font suggestions.
I also provide a logo masterfile that you can see here. This file, in both Adobe Illustrator .ai format and .PDF showcases all of this info in one convenient file. This file can be passed onto sign shops or other designers who might need to know this information in order to keep the brand consistent.

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Let’s chat about your brand’s needs and what I can do to help.